
Showing posts from 2015

Photography at its best

Way back in 2013, that was winter and I was in Kerala " the gods own country ". I was lucky to take below photos. Thanks to my camera. I started taking photos when I had my first brad new Canon DSLR, I was new and confused what to click, so started clicking whenever I see beautiful scenarios, water falls, birds, animals, posters etc. I used to carry my beautiful camera wherever I go and the above water fall is captured in a place called gods own country ' Kerala '. I don't remember the exact place but you can see this waterfall on the way to 'munar'. Me and my wife were on vacation and decided to visit Kerala on the monsoon season. Above photo is one of my favorite clicks , so thought of sharing.     It doesn't fit as a clean and noise free photo, but for me it is one of my best clicks.   Looking at the above photo you can easily guess where the photo is clicked , yes you guessed it correct the photo is clicked in '